I celebrate three anniversaries today –
- Thirteenth anniversary of landing in Mumbai for the first time on 4th April 2001 to do my MBA
- Eleventh anniversary of joining my first and last job on 4th April 2003
- Third anniversary of quitting my first and last job on 4th April 2011
Life has come a long way from that time when I came to this unknown city in 2001…
…from early 2003 when I had lost hope of getting a job after being rejected by the very few employers who attended my MBA college’s placement season, and from the time I had almost rejected my only job because the salary was almost as much as what I would have earned in the role of a peon. So much for an MBA degree, huh!
Anyways, good sense prevailed, and I took on that job. Apart from the fear of becoming an “educated unemployed”, I was also helped by a promise I had made to my ‘would-be wife’ before joining my MBA that we would get married as soon as I got my job so that her family didn’t get her married off somewhere else. 🙂
So, the saying that there is a woman behind every man’s success has been true in my case. In fact, the woman in my life has not really been ‘behind’ me, but has walked besides me, holding my hand through the thick and thin that life has brought.
Well, I am not going to bore you today with my life story (let me keep it for some other day :-)), but would like to share with you a few life lessons these past 13 years have taught me – both in terms of my life, and my financial life.
“Oh! Another boring rant from Vishal!” you may wonder and stop reading this post right away.
But if you are still reading, here are those 13 most important lessons I have lived through these past 13 years of my life…
1. It’s Not Where You Start
After being rejected at a few leading MBA colleges in India (XLRI, MDI, and SP Jain), I joined a second-grade college in Mumbai (thanks to first MBA, then job, then marriage story I shared above).
Life was tough, as prior to Mumbai, I had never lived in a city with population more than a few lacs. Plus, in order to save myself from the guilt of having my father pay a lot of money for the stay in Mumbai and also for buying the books I needed, here is the room (behind the chair) in a Bandra chawl where I began my life in this megacity…

I now realize how important that lesson of prioritizing the use of money was for me.
Books were top on my priority list than the place I was living, and I spent my father’s money that way. And boy, how much has that decision helped me in building my character over these years!
As the song goes…
It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.
It’s not how you go, it’s how you land.
A hundred to one shot, they call him a klutz —
Can out-run the fav’rite, all he needs is the guts.
Your final return will not diminish
And you can be the cream of the crop;
It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish,
And you’re gonna finish on top.
2. THIS Moment Is All There Is
I was a pretty consistent student during my MBA, as I consistently ranked among the ones who came last on the merit list.
Now before you dump me because of my poor intelligence, let me tell you the reason I scored average marks during college – I refused to study what my professors wanted me to, and instead spent my time in the library reading up the books I had always wanted to read but never had the money to spend on buying them.
Plus, when my classmates were filling in reams and reams of paper during the exams (more you wrote, better you scored), I usually came out of the exam hall in 20-30% of the allotted time and rushed to the library.
I did not want to waste those precious moments scoring marks that would have not meant anything 10 years down the line. I realize the benefit of that decision now.
Lesson – THIS moment is all we have to create our life, and we have to prioritize things we want to do NOW.
All our worries and plans about the future, all our replaying of things that happened in the past — it’s all in our heads, and it just distracts us from fully living right now.
Let go of all that, and just focus on what you’re doing, right at this moment. In this way, any activity can be meditation….like ‘reading’ has been for me.
3. It’s Important to Keep Promises
I could have waited for a better college, then a better job, and a better salary. But that would have broken the promise I had made to the woman I loved (and still do), of marrying her before her family married her off to someone else.
I now thank my stars I did not break that promise, for my life has been beautiful – despite all the struggles on the career front – ever since I married Vidhi. She’s been a great guide and solid support to me, more than any of my teachers have ever been.
Lesson – It’s very important to keep your promises because when you do that, good things would happen to you.
4. Your Best investment Is…
My best investment so far is the time I have spent with my children. In fact, my decision to quit my job was strengthened when I got the news of my second child.
“Wow, I would have all my time to spend with my newborn!” was the first thought that came to my mind then.
You see, children need to know that they are important. They need to know they are loved and they need to know they are secure.
Your pleasure from your new house and your latest pay raise may subside (and I have experienced that several times in my life). It’s exceedingly temporary!
But the amazing experience you have from the good times you spend with your child will never fade.
Your child needs time with you. She needs your undivided attention. She needs to make happy memories with you. She needs to laugh with you.
Life can pull you in a thousand directions, and you might ignore it especially when your child is little.
Remember – Children don’t stay little for long.
So, slow down…take some time…give some time…invest some time.
5. Avoid Debt
I have realized this for a fact that you cannot go too far in life if you are burdened by EMI payments that eat up a large part of your income.
While the only loan I had till 2010 was the one on my house, my decision to quit my job and reclaim my life was taken only after I had accumulated resources to repay my entire loan.
Debt can help you realize your dreams earlier than you can do that from your own money – especially a housing debt – but it’s important to not get burdened by it.
This is especially true of high-interest debt like credit card debt, personal loans, and auto loans.
We think they’re necessary but they’re not, at all. They cause more headaches than they’re worth, they can ruin lives, and they cost us way more than we get.
6. Compound Interest Works
Ever since I started my career, I’ve spent less than I’ve earned and that has helped me enormously. Of course, you need a great support from your spouse on this front, and I am thankful to have found it from mine.
My investments have already helped me meet a lot of my life’s little goals, and have also helped me take my life’s biggest decision so far – to quit my job and start on my own.
Invest early, even if you have to start small, and it will grow as if by alchemy. Live on little, don’t get into debt, save all you can, and invest it.
Watch your money grow because if you let it grow, it does grow.
7. Fear Will Try to Stop You
On 1st January 2011, when most people around me were making resolutions to lose weight and eat better, I was making up my mind to do something else.
I finally did it on 4th January. I told my boss – “I quit!” With a notice period of 3 months, 4th April was my last day at job.
Quitting my job was a tough decision to come by, as I was surrounded by extreme fear of an unknown life, and mixed views from all around, including from within me.
“You’re sure you want to quit your job?” asked my concerned father.
“How could you quit when we have spent so many years training you?” asked my boss, forgetting that I had also spent so many years serving the company.
“Are you mad to be leaving such a high-paying job?” said my friends.
“Yes, you can do it!” said my wife.
“Yes, Papa will be at home to play with me at all times!” exclaimed my seven year old daughter.
Now, here is how my mind was playing tricks with me.
“Vishal, are you mad to quit such a well-paying job?” my mind asked me. “You have the responsibility of a family! Change your decision right away!”
“If not now, never!” my heart told me. “You’ve worked long enough for someone else. It’s now a time to work for yourself, and to live your dreams.”
As I look back to that day three years back, I thank God I went with my heart that pushed me to move beyond my fears and give my dreams a chance.
You see, doubts will try to stop you. You’ll shy away from doing great things, from going on new adventures, from creating something new and putting it out in the world, because of self-doubt and fear.
It will happen in one tiny corner of your mind, where you don’t even know it’s happening.
I have learned that it’s important to become aware of these doubts and fears, shine some light on them, and then beat them with a thousand tiny cuts.
Do it anyway, because they are wrong.
8. People Will Think You’re Crazy but That’s OK
A lot of my MBA classmates thought I was crazy to take up a low-paying job in 2003, and then a lot of them thought I was crazy to leave a high-paying job in 2011.
Some people also thought I was crazy to start on my own, given the extremely high failure rate of small businesses.
“Who will like to read your story?” they would say to frighten me. “Who will pay for your writing?”
“Doing what you love works only in fiction,” a friend told me.
Now, this is what I remember Steve Jobs saying at a Stanford commencement speech in 2005…
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
In 2011, I decided to NOT live my life according to anyone else’s notions and expectations, except mine. And I am happy to report that I am doing fine.
9. Failure is Inevitable
Life has often hit me in the head with a brick…like in the form of rejections at MBA colleges and then jobs. But thanks to my stars, and also my wife, I have never lost faith in myself.
“Be careful,” we’re told as kids. “You don’t want to make a mess.”
“Double check your answers,” we’re told in school. “You don’t want bad marks.”
“Better achieve your performance goals,” we’re told at work. “You don’t want to get a poor rating or low raise, be demoted or lose your job.”
Failure seems to come with negative consequences. Always!
In fact, so much is written about success and how to achieve it but virtually nothing is written about failure and how to exploit it.
I have realized through my own experiences that failure is inevitable.
In fact, I have learned a lot about failure seeing my daughter grow up. Like when she was just a year old and was trying to take her first steps and repeatedly fell down, she tried again…and again…and again.
Sometimes she laughed. Sometimes she cried. Sometimes she laughed and cried at the same time.
But she kept trying and trying…laughing and crying. She did not labelled her experience as a “failure”. She just enjoyed it.
Unlike us adults, our babies don’t know the possibility of a failure, so they happily keep falling down until one day they take a few steps, and then a few more. Before long, they’re jumping and running. All their trying pays off. They fall but never fail.
As grown-ups, what if we also simply choose not to fail? What if we treat our mistakes and failures as not things to be avoided but things to be cultivated?
Like Warren Buffett said…
You’re going to make mistakes. You can’t play in the game without making any mistakes. I don’t think about it, I just move on. Most business mistakes are irreversible setbacks, but you get another chance. There are two things in life that you don’t get another chance at – marrying the wrong person and what you do with your children. Business, you just go on. It’s a mistake to dwell on mistakes, it’s unproductive. It’s like Mark Twain’s story about the cat that sat on a hot stove – he never sat on a hot stove again, but he never sat on a cold one again either.
Life teaches us each day that stuff happens (and sometimes shit happens!), but we don’t need to give each of our experiences a label.
Good, bad, hard, easy, success, failure etc. do not exist but as labels in our minds.
All we need to do to hold our head high is to break through these labels.
10. Slow Down
One of the most important lessons these last few years have taught me – looking at myself and people around me – that rushing is rarely worth it. Life is better enjoyed at a leisurely pace.
Rushing for train, rushing for office, rushing for meetings, and rushing for home is what I used to do prior to 2011. Not anymore!
I now work not more than 4-5 hours a day, and the rest of the time is spent leisurely with my family and with my books.
Mahatma Gandhi, “There is more to life than increasing its speed.”
But in today’s times of power, wealth, technology and fashion, people seem to have forgotten that there is indeed more to life than increasing its speed.
They have forgotten that the true essence of life is to live it in the slow lane.
Of course, amidst the rat race all around and in a world where we have to be “seen” to be working, slowing down might seem an aberration.
But then it’s also important to understand that those who run too fast too soon often stumble.
So, slow down.
11. Know What to Avoid
Charlie Munger said, “Don’t do cocaine. Don’t race trains. And avoid all AIDS situations.”
It’s important to know what we must avoid in life. I have been through times when it was easy for me to fall prey to requests from a few of my friends for taking just one puff of cigarette, and just one glass of alcohol.
Thankfully, I knew within my heart what I wanted to avoid. And thankfully, I have avoided those and a few other such things.
12. Life is Exceedingly Brief
I have been in good health throughout, but have heard horror stories of people being unlucky to not survive beyond their 30s – largely due to bad health habits and rashness on the road.
Life is short, my friend!
You might feel like there’s a huge mass of time ahead of you, but it passes much faster than you think.
Like, it just seems yesterday when I came to Mumbai, finished my MBA, got a job, got married, and quit my job. What is more, it seems that my kids are growing up in a flash!
You see, it’s ironical that it often takes us a lifetime to learn to live in the moment.
We seem to think that we’ll live forever. We spend time and money as though we’ll always be here. We buy stuff as though it matters and is worth the debt and stress of attachment.
We put off “living happily ever after” for another year, because we assume we have another year. We don’t tell the ones we love how much we love them often enough because we assume there’s always tomorrow.
And then, we fear. Oh yes, we fear!
Just because we are afraid of the risk of moving out of our comfort zones, we stick it out in miserable jobs and situations.
Just because we are worried we will fail, we don’t reach high enough or far enough, often forgetting that it’s better to fail spectacularly while trying than it is to succeed at something we never really wanted in the first place.
These three words – life is short – are what I tell myself almost each passing day, and they have changed the way I live my life.
Appreciating every damn moment is what has been one of the biggest lessons I have learned over these years.
13. This Too Shall Pass
A bad day at work or at home often bogged me down, till I read this Persian quote – “This too shall pass”.
We meet life’s experiences wisely – only when we keep in mind that they are temporary. Whatever they may be, painful or pleasant – they will soon pass away.
We need not be too greatly troubled by that which is hard – for relief will soon come. We should not be too much elated by prosperity – for it will not last always.
I have lived through this lesson during my bad times, and especially during my good times. And it has been very enriching!
I’ll Be Dead Soon
I have these words from Steve Jobs as my screen saver – “Remember – You will be dead soon.”
Jobs said this in his Stanford commencement speech…
Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
After having shared my key life lessons over the past 13 years, and after sharing these amazing words from Steve Jobs, I have nothing left to add. 🙂
Truly encouraging lessons………a lot can be learnt who is reading all these very attentively. Thanks Vishal for sharing your exciting journey with us and I think you are a role model (including me) for many souls who are aspiring to do which their heart, mind and body says……..
Thanks for your kind words, Jitendra!
A good read vishal. I can understand the points more that few other who are still sticking to the high paying jobs. I left the rat race and comfort zone last month and went to pick the freelance programmer route (am a software engineer in one of the world biggest telecom service provider), which enable me to get more time with family and books (investing onces).
I can start seeting and feeling lot of things which are happening around me, which i was neglecting for the long while chasing the materialize consumption and living on the weekends.
Planning to move out to metro and going to settle somewhere in the small city where life has more meaning and clean environment. There are lot of good places in india apart from concrete jungles.
Please don’t blame yourself for my quiting as i was not truly motivated by you but by my inner sense of finding the true meaning in life and to roam more and stay where i want to by choice and not by compulsion.
I appreciated the work you took to enlight the investor, there are very few who are doing this.
Manish Yadav
@Manish yadav, Where are you from and which places do you have in mind, would love to know. I am in hyderabad may be you are around.
Me too in hyderabad right now …
Great to know about your journey, Manish. All the best!
Excellent story! Almost like a Bollywood movie. One thing I would like to add, which you did not mention explicitly, but which is quite evident in your life story is Patience and Perseverance. I hope more and more people can learn from this to find their own life in their own way and stop copying. As I believe, that it was such a good thing that a Sidhartha became a Gautam Buddha, but it’s so sad that thousands of people started copying his lifestyle without understanding the essence of finding ones own goal. Thanks for putting it up so beautifully.
Thanks Ankit! 🙂
Fantastic Vishal !!! Your simple and lucid style of writing is beautiful. Every word seems to sink in and make an impact. Thanks!!! There is so much that you have shared and set me on the thinking trail……….
Thanks for your feedback, Rajat!
Dear Vishal,
” An open letter to my Daughter” today got another worthy companion on the list of one of the most inspirational posts on SN 🙂
You have a habit of defying conventional and typical ways of worldly affairs ( as in ur college- knowledge, (library) marks was important not marks, job- sense of satisfaction was important not salary, becoming a good husband, parent and living a distinctive and extremely enriching Life was important not rat race !), proving once again that if you have integrity, courage, dedication and generosity, nothing is beyond ones’ reach. Who says some numbers are ominous- 13 is a number to celebrate not fear 🙂
Few thoughts, actions and people have the power to influence someone’s entire life. You are persuading people to think, give and live, there can be no noble act greater than this. Your uncommon and simple ways to make people understand Investing and life are bearing fruits.
This is just a beginning and I know that Abraham Lincoln must have been thinking about himself and people like you when he said these words- “I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.”
May your wisdom and life always inspire many to realize their own potential and live their life. God Speed !
With warm regards
Akhilesh Pathak
Thanks for your kind words, Akhilesh! 🙂
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for reading, Mira!
You have made significant strides towards greater wisdom! All these are known to those in the path towards wisdom, but it is seldom knowledge alone, but knowledge along with awareness that keeps one on a wise path. So any amount of repetition of wise words help keep one on the path, by reminding the mind what the path is.
I have been on an independent path for 3 years now, since I quit my job! It has not been easy one bit. I have had difficult emotions to deal with, especially the part of loosing a significant part of one’s identity, which is the identification with a career and a “title”. But I am not turning back, and I am determined to keep exploring a path that I love and where I can express myself and contribute.
Good to know you, and be associated with you through Safal Niveshak. Look forward to the day when we might meet in person! 🙂
Thanks Rajaram! Good to know that you on am independent journey of your own. I wish you all the best!
Even I look forward to meet you.
Great words of wisdom which take lots of ups and downs in life to realize them. Most of us find it very difficult to implement these changes as we get too used to a set pattern in life and do not wish to rock the boat. I picked up a similar realisation on reading the book “Who Stole my Cheese”. I have devoted a whole chapter on Investing in Happiness in my book “Let’s Talk Money – Road to Riches Made Easy”.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks Akhil! I think you are talking about the book – Who Moved My Cheese 🙂
Hi Vishal,
I am lucky to find this blog, learning about investing and learning about life :). Thanks for the lucky 13. I am following some of your footsteps and getting out of my job after notice period. I will more time to read now and learn from you. I am new bie to your site but i am a big fan and this post makes it even bigger. I am in hyderabad and if I am lucky may be i can get to meet you sometime.
Thanks MK! All the best in your own journey!
@Manish yadav, Where are you from and which places do you have in mind, would love to know.
Great words Vishal!
My yoga teacher once said, “Focus on process not on results”.
In yoga, especially if you are new, there is a tendency to look at the person standing next to you, and trying to pose in the in the same way the other person is posing. But, if you push yourself too much you would end up hurting yourself.
In my opinion, it also applies to investing and life. If one were to focus on process instead of fixating on the results they would mostly end up achieving their goals. If one were to get good guides and posses an attitude to be a student for life, the practice will be pleasant and fun!
Thanks for the comment, Ragu!
It was wonderful having gone through your life spin and googlies. You made it that’s great to hear.
Regards to your family specially your wife who had been at your side during your bad and good times and a child , gods gift which refreshed your life.
Thanks Stanley!
What an absolutely brilliant post. Even though I attach great value to your posts about investing and finance, posts like these are an absolute gem. The three anniversaries all falling on same date do not seem like a coincidence to me. It takes a lot of character to do what you have achieved in these 13 years. Not only have you made this site extremely popular with thousands of loyal readers but also people like me and many others have benefited immensely from your knowledge and experience. Hats off to you Vishal. I would also like to extend my congratulations to Vidhi Bhabhi for the incredible support and for partnering you in great initiatives like the scholarship. May God bless you and your family abundantly to reach even greater heights.
Kind Regards,
Thanks for your kind words, Nelson! 🙂
/Dear Vishal,
1. I have been a tribesman for about a yr now, have also joined the mastermind course. ANd through you i have found one of my long lost passions – reading.
2. I must have read atleast 200 posts of urs on SN, I must say this has been the first post which has had a profound effect on me. FOr the first time,i have send link to ur post to all my near and dear ones, incl my parents. For I believe, the wisdom contained in this is timeless and everyone, incl my learned parents can learn something out of each of ur lessons.
3. I read ur post in my office. I told my office boy that i m not to be disturbed, i put on light instrumental and reflected upon what u said. Then, i put pen to paper and i started writing. I do that, when I want to cconnect with my own thoughts. I dont think. I write.
4. I had done so after along time..i think it must have been about 10 yrs approx. Maybe you wouldnt understand what this post meant to me.
5. If i do come down to mumbai sometime, i would like to have the honour of meting u in person..
6. Kudos to u, my freind and my mentor.
Anshul Gaur
Dear Anshul, it’s great to know that you’re back to reading. 🙂 I wish you all the best on this journey!
Thanks for sharing the post with your people. It means a lot to me.
Let me know whenever you are in Mumbai.
Thanks a lot for your kind words of appreciation!
Go to bed wiser than when you wake up. This gem from Charlie Munger incorporates so many points that you noted above like slowing down to observe and absorb. You need to have lots of conviction, almost bordering on arrogance, to be able to defy conventional wisdom and chart your own path. Very good post.
Thanks Arun!
We humans are supposed to be the more intelligent of life forms with our thinking and reasoning minds. Unfortunately right from the time we are born we are trained to behave like sheep and keep aside our thinking and reasoning minds. Sometime back I read a post on Prof Sanjay Bakshi’s blog about the unreasonable man and how it is the unreasonable ones who go on to make a big difference.
Good to read about Vishal’s experiences and glad to know that the his chosen path has led him to success and happiness.
Thanks Maheswar!
Hi Vishal,
When I first saw this site 1.5 years ago, I was very skeptical about what you are trying to achieve and of what you are trying to do and how you are going to have a business model. But I should say that it is a great pleasure to see the way it has turned out.
It is truly inspirational to read this story. Let the safalniveshak juggernaut keep rolling.. All the very best!
Thanks for keeping your faith in SN alive, Zayan! 🙂
Super, Vishal, quite a journey so far and I am sure it will be more melodious ahead.
My belief is that if you nurture anything well, most likely the outcome will be good.
I agree, your confidence and support helps you get to your goals.
I admire your decisions and your ability to carry them through.
Good luck.
Incidentally your article is a decent checklist for anyone who is contemplating a decision (could be quitting a job, or trying his/ her hands at a new vocation etc) at any time in life.
Thanks Sudhir!
Thanks for sharing your lessons. it is very inspiring and encouraging. i have learned a lot and trying to change myself reading your thoughts.
thanks for making the difference.
God bless
Thanks for your feedback, Nrupesh!
Inspiring and enlightening! I too believe, value investing is not only about your investments but its about investing in your behavior, your habits, your character, as well. Warren Buffet still lives in the same old house and still a minimalist (I know, so are you :). As they say, thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character. So, these positive and good things come along with for a true value investor.
I appreciate how beautifully you put up your life to exhibit the value of a life (Yes, I believe – it has evolved from being a value investing space to valuing life – and for good) and set examples for others. And I must say, you have done some really commendable work in such a short span of time. I wish I would have been so attentive towards the life during all those years. Anyways, I am so happy and glad and fortunate to get to know your write-ups. Keep it up!
Glad to know you as well, Saurabh. 🙂 Thanks for your kind words!
An inscription on a tombstone reads like this :
I knew this stage would come , however I didn’t think it would come so fast !
Hi Vishal,
It was an interesting post. I read, re-read it.
It was a story of hope, belief and more importantly freedom!!
Many congratulations!!
Hi Vishal,
What a lovely way to put it…I see a certain similarity in terms of how you decided to be your own master..I am a freelance writer having worked for just 6 months in corporate set-up post my MBA…but could never enjoy it..However, what I need to learn to from you is the focus, determination and direction which you possess in abundance and I never had, hence the topsy-turvy journey of my professional life..Hats off to you for sticking to your decisions…and I must, must admire your writing style..so lucid..so profound and yet written so smoothly..I could almost visualise each and every words..right from that Bandra place to saying to your boss about quitting…just beautiful..touched..My best wishes..
I truly agree with you on point 4.Your Best investment Is…kids and 9.Failure is Inevitable.
I believe the greatest gift in my life which I would like to treasure till the end of my life is the time spent with my kids.I would like to treasure each moment, each day , each year , each laugh , each smile , each words they say , and what not. I believe the Greatest gift from God to Mankind is becoming parents …without becoming one , one will never understand what he has not got in his life….how incomplete the life was without them..and how RICH it becomes with them.
Yes , as grown up we fear a lot.But kids don’t fear ….by the age of 5 they have learned so many things after failing thousands times ….but in those 5 years we don’t learn anything new ..beacause we fear and don’t take up new things …we have lost curiosity …we don’t question..we don’t bother to explore…we don’t go against conventions…
Really enjoyed reading your post.
Every time i read your blog, i feel gr8.
great post exhilirating looking forward to see on 8-6-14 at Delhi meet where i have enrolled
Always look forward to your posts. You got me interested in value investing but also taught there is something more in life than just money
Thanks Ram!
…..its just eye opener….thax lot to write dis1
Dear Vishal,
your way of capturing your through, beliefs in a candid manner is amazing.
Many like myself would like to relate to your beliefs but what is amazing in your life journey is you did what you believed.
I assume your ability to journalise your thoughts and beliefs would have made your thinking and decision making lucid and clear
most of us want to do what you have done it is the difference between knowing and doing that makes all the difference
thanks for being an inspiration to your numerous readers,
Thank you so much for your kind words, Mr. Srinivasan. Regards.
Many thanks for sharing your experience Vishal. It is worth a read
Thanks Anurag!
It’s 2017…and got a chance to re read this article!
Very meaningful reflections ! Worth assimilating each of the learnings!
Totally inspired and motivational post! It’s great to dare to live and enjoy your dream life. Bravo Safal Niveshak!