Here is what a Safal Niveshak tribesman, Sanjeev Bhatia, wrote in the latest Facebook Jam last Saturday (sorry Sanjeev, but it’s your turn to claim the fame ;-))…
I have a particular Behavioral Problem. You recently wrote somewhere that pain of seeing your picks down 15% is more intense than pleasure of seeing your picks go up 15%. But in my case, it seems to be different. I am now seeing BHEL going up to 232 level, did not buy at 200 because my buy price was 180. Opto Circuit, my buy price was 140, it bounced back from 147 to 155…and with market going up and in strong upward momentum, it does not seem likely to come down soon although you can’t say that with certainty in this market. How to let go off this “being left out” syndrome?
What Sanjeev thought, and as I understood from his question, was that he was suffering from a “unique” behavioral problem – something like the “Alice in Wonderland Syndrome”, which is a neurological disorder that can effect a person’s perception.
But then, as I mentioned in the jam, and experienced investors would vouch for this, is that Sanjeev suffers from nothing more than a “common cold”, like most of us investors.