Stop right here if you are looking for a stock idea from me, because most of my multibagger ideas are outside the stock market. đ
But if you are still reading this, you may be interested to know the multibagger Diwali idea I am going to share. Don’t you?
Well, it’s festival time and I won’t waste much of yours.
My multibagger idea for this Diwali is to start a chain of gifting books that inspire.
I am starting with gifting one book that has inspired me to one person I know. I expect that person to then pay it forward by gifting one book to one of his or her friends, and the chain continues…till someone does not want to gift the book. đ
You don’t have to wait for someone to send you a book before you can begin.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in this world.” So today I urge you to start the chain you want to be a part of. Anyone reading this can start his or her own chain. Trust me, you can’t even imagine how far the ripple effects of your small act can reach.
Pay It Forward
Lily Hardy Hammond wrote, “You don’t pay love back; you pay it forward.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his 1841 essay titled Compensation, wrote, “In the order of nature we cannot render benefits to those from whom we receive them, or only seldom. But the benefit we receive must be rendered again, line for line, deed for deed, cent for cent, to somebody.”
Same is with knowledge. The only way you can pay back for the knowledge you have received is to pay it forward. Become a funnel, says Prof. Sanjay Bakshi, not a sponge.
One way to do that is to teach someone what you have learned. The other is to simply gift a good book.
But then, how does gifting a book make for a multibagger idea?
Well, knowledge, as you would have heard Warren Buffett say a lot of times, builds like compound interest. And because knowledge builds like compound interest, it gives you an exponential return. And what causes an exponential return makes for a multibagger over time.
Now, when you get a book as a gift, and you read it, it adds to your knowledge. And when you pay it forward by gifting a book to someone else and that person reads it, it adds to his/her knowledge. Over time, as a society, we get more knowledgeable and hopefully wiser. And that’s the idea of starting this chain.

So this Diwali, read a book…gift a book…and spread the light of wisdom all around you.
Anshul and I wish you a very happy Diwali and prosperous New Year.
P.S.: To ensure that this movement benefits maximum number of people, gift the book to someone who isn’t part of this already. So Anshul and I, by default, shouldn’t be in your chain.
Note: If you were to buy your books for gifting by clicking on the image below (or through this link), Amazon would pay me a small commission. The books won’t cost you any extra. And then I will give away 100% of the commission for the betterment of the under-privileged.