Life is simple. Why do we make it so hard?
This is what Jon Jandai, a farmer from northeastern Thailand, asked the audience while delivering a TED speech in 2011.
He echoed what Confucius had said 2,500 years earlier, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
While I recommend you watch Jon’s complete speech, the crux of what he says is that we don’t have to do what society tells us, we can have the life we want, and our choices determine if we get such a life.
Consider wealth creation. Spending less than you earn, i.e., saving money and investing it well over a long period of time is all you need to meet all your financial goals. Simple, right? But the question again is, like Jon asked, why do we make it so hard?
Look at this chart that talks about the three simple steps to get wealthy over time…

Could this get any simpler?