Seth Klarman of Baupost Group is one of the most esteemed investors in the current era.
Since he established his investment partnership in 1983, Klarman has consistently delivered exceptional returns. Additionally, he has contributed insightful and enduring observations on the dynamics of markets and the intricacies of investment practice.
He wrote “Margin of Safety: Risk Averse Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor,” a book that has been celebrated as a cornerstone of value investing since its release in 1991.
As I was re-reading Margin of Safety, I thought of collating the key ideas Klarman has written about, and present to you as a compilation.
These ideas are hardly all-encompassing of the wisdom Klarman distills through this amazing book, but these have helped me as an investor over the years. This book was written almost 30 years ago, yet Klarman’s ideas are perfectly suitable today.
30 Big Ideas from Seth Klarman’s Margin of Safety
*Also unlock access to free chapters of my upcoming books, multiple e-books, stock analysis excel, and membership to my newsletter – The Journal of Investing Wisdom.
That’s about it from me for today.
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Stay safe.
Thanks a lot, Vishal, for this great compilation. Am glad you are still an adherent to Value investing despite the increasing scepticism about its relevance from veteran and respected investment thinkers such as Prof. Ashwath Damodaran and Dr. Sanjay Bakshi. I firmly believe value investment will be back in full strength soon.
Vishal – need to point out an error in your compilation- #12 and #13 are repeated in your compilation
Dear Mr. Rao, thanks!
I have already corrected and updated the new link above.
Thank You Vishal for such insightful report !