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Short view – It could get lonely and frustrating, plus dangerous for your sanity and financial well-being.
Long view – First, a clarification. I am not a full-time investor i.e., I and my family are not dependent for our living on the stock market. I earn my living by teaching people how to invest sensibly in stocks and how not to blow it up as an investor, and by selling books. And I invest a large portion of my savings in stocks. But I won’t have sleepless nights if the stock market were to tank tomorrow and remain down for the next year or two, because that is not what earns me my oats and sprouts (I don’t eat “bread and butter” you see).
Anyways, the reason I am writing this post is because this is that phase in the market where I see a few questions from readers about how they could quit their jobs to become full-time investors in the stock market.
In most of my replies, I have asked people to avoid quitting their jobs to become full-time investors, and here are five reasons I have often mentioned to support my reasoning. In case you have had this question but were afraid to ask, I hope what follows below helps you take a decision.
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