If you are to listen to Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, or any smart people around, they’d tell you that the best way to get smarter is to read a lot.
Warren Buffett says, “I just sit in my office and read all day.”
Charlie Munger says, “We read a lot. I don’t know anyone who’s wise who doesn’t read a lot.”
“But which books should I read?” ask a lot of tribe members.
Here’s a solution I propose, and something that would surely interest you.
I’ve picked out 15 of the best books I’ve ever read on investing, human behaviour, and related subjects. I want you to have them. All 15 of them, worth Rs 7,500 or even more. I will pay for them.

I can’t give all 15 books to all the people who read this, but I am looking to give them to 3 people through Safal Niveshak’s Book Giveaway 2015. See the bottom of this post for more details.
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