Based on my readings of the world’s best investors and also through my own practice of investing in stock markets, I have come to believe one thing.
It is that long-term investment success is a function of two things:
- Right approach
- Right person
We have discussed these aspects of investing across several articles on Safal Niveshak. However, if I were to suggest you the best article I’ve ever read on this concept, it would be “The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville”.
This article was written by the world’s most successful investor ever, Warren Buffett, promoting the concept of value investing.
It was based on a speech Buffett gave in 1984 at the Columbia University School of Business in the US, in honour of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Benjamin Graham and David Dodd’s book Security Analysis.
The speech (and the article) challenged the idea that equity markets are efficient through a study of nine successful investment funds generating long-term returns above the market index.
All these funds were managed by the students of Benjamin Graham. Interestingly, all these students pursued different investment tactics but followed the same “Graham-and-Doddsville” value investing strategy.
If you invest in stock market or are thinking of investing, this is a must-read for you.
I first read this article in 2003, and have read it several times since then. However, each time I read it, I find something new, something refreshing that changes my outlook towards how I must invest for greater success as an investor.
Click here to read this article
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