I was listening to Tim Ferriss’s recent podcast where he interviewed Derek Sivers. In a response to the question “What advice you would give to your 20-year-old self?”, Sivers told the story of Buridan’s donkey.
It’s a tale about a donkey that’s standing exactly halfway between a bucket of water and a pile of hay. The donkey is confused for the poor animal can’t decide where to go first. He just keeps looking to the left to the hay and right to the water. Unable to come out of the deadlock, the donkey eventually falls over and dies from hunger and thirst.
It’s actually a thought experiment that illustrates a paradox in philosophy. The paradox is named after the 14th-century French philosopher Jean Buridan.
Are you wondering, what’s a philosophical angle about a donkey’s personal problem got to do with investing? Please bear with me for few more lines. I’ll come to it.
Let’s first understand how this paradox is connected to Siver’s advice for younger self.
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