If you are to listen to Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, or any smart people around, they’d tell you that the best way to get smarter is to read a lot.
Warren Buffett says, “I just sit in my office and read all day.”
Charlie Munger says, “We read a lot. I don’t know anyone who’s wise who doesn’t read a lot.”
“But which books should I read?” ask a lot of tribe members.
Here’s a solution I propose, and something that would surely interest you.
I’ve picked out 15 of the best books I’ve ever read on investing, human behaviour, and related subjects. I want you to have them. All 15 of them, worth Rs 7,500 or even more. I will pay for them.

I can’t give all 15 books to all the people who read this, but I am looking to give them to 3 people through Safal Niveshak’s Book Giveaway 2015. See the bottom of this post for more details.
Here are some of the amazing books I’m giving out:
- Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist by Roger Lowenstein
- Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk by Peter L. Bernstein
- Seeing What Others Don’t: The Remarkable Ways We Gain Insights by Gary Klein
- How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life by Scott Adams
- How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness by Russ Roberts
Three readers will grab these 15 books each.
The Giveaway is open to people residing in India or with an Indian address, as the books will be delivered to an Indian address only.
However, if you are an international resident or an Indian with an international address, and if you win, you will receive an Amazon gift card worth a similar amount (approx. US$ 120) instead of the books.
Here is how you can enter this Giveaway and also increase your chances of winning and getting all of the books.
Read this very carefully. What you have to do is this –
- Visit the Giveaway page here. Register yourself by entering your email id.
- Click the confirmation link in the email you receive with the subject line – “Confirm your entry for Safal Niveshak’s Book Giveaway 2015”
- Share the Giveaway on any or all of these platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest – so that more people you know participate in the same. You’ll get 5 points for every 1 new person who signs up through your reference. The more points you earn, the greater is your chance to win the prize.
- You can also email your “lucky URL” to all your friends and colleagues for them to register for the Giveaway. You can see this URL after you register for the Giveaway, and will also receive it in your email. The more people who register through your URL, the more points you’ll accumulate.
Now, if you are ready to participate in this Giveaway and get a chance to win 15 amazing books that can help you become smarter, get going right away.
Click here to enter the Giveaway and then start sharing to increase your chances to win the 15 amazing books, all for free.
The Giveaway registrations will end on 15th January 2015. You have that much time to share the Giveaway link with your friends and colleagues and increase your chances of winning.
All the best!
Hi Vishal,
Thanks for your generosity. It would be great if you can list all other 15 books.
Even if we dont get free books, it will help us to know the great books.
Eeshwar, I’ll do that after the Giveaway ends, as the list might change depending on book availability. Thanks!
Hi Vishal,
I have just participate in “Safal Niveshak’s Book Giveaway 2015 – Win 15 Free Books!”.
You have many follower, so chance of winning book is less(Like speculation ,I am value investor. 🙂 .
Be true I did it for Safal Niveshak(S.N), because I want S.N and your thought’s to every investor.
I read almost every post of yours and every time there is something to learn and gain(Market and Life).
What I think investing is really simple in long term, but people made it complex.
Finally what I love most – “THE INVESTOR’S MANIFESTO” – I am an Investor, I am not an Speculator.
I keep it with me and also sending it to all my friends.
Take care..
Hi Vishal,
If you can share the list of all 15 books, it will be really helpful.
Hi Manoj, I’ll do that after the Giveaway ends, as the list might change depending on book availability.
Whatever happened to the competition to pick Dec 14 Sensex target? (and picking our preferred sectors)
Can you share the names of those 15 books
Will do that after the Giveaway ends, as the list might change depending on book availability. Thanks!
Hi Vishal,
Thanks for giving such opportunity to win valuable books. I am great fan of your site and your writings. You all can click on my lucky link such that i can get chance to win those books :-p. hehe
Thank You!! Keep it up.
Thanks & Regards,
Vicky Rathod
Thanks Vicky!
You will not get additional points when people click on the link. You will get the points only when they click on your lucky link and then register themselves. 🙂
So keep sharing the link and ask people to register themselves as well.
Hey Vishal, Lucky URL not working properly in Internet Explorer. It doesnt proceed to enter Email Id to register successfully. Can you please cross verify.
Ravi, this sounds a unique problem. Please try Chrome.
Also, please email me a snapshot of the page you’re seeing on IE. My id is – vishal@safalniveshak.com. Thanks!
waiting to get these books luckily allotted to me on 20th .. had attended yr delhi workshop also last yr hope u will give weightage to that as well pramod gurgaon 9891798524
Pramod, you can get the books only if you win the Giveaway. No special weightages here 🙂
Fantastic… If you haven’t read already try “Thinking fast and slow” .. Excellent book on behavioral science
Thanks Vishal for this wonderful opportunity 🙂
my lucky link
My pleasure, Jai!
Please share your lucky URL with your friends and colleagues who may be interested in joining the Giveaway. You will get additional points that way. Regards.
Hi Vishal
Will try promoting it on Quora.
Also, it will be great to have you in the Quora community.
Thanks for the great idea, Ashwin! 🙂
I’m already on Quora but not participating enough. Regards.
Ashwin, I have added a post on this Giveaway on Quora. Here is the link to the post.
Is there a way to popularize this post? Let me know. Thanks in anticipation! Regards.
Hi Vishal,
Hope you are doing good!
Yesterday, I had 26 entries, however today it is showing only one. I had shared it via Facebook with many and some have confirmed their registration also (after clicking on the link I provided).
Please share, if smthing wrong.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Jalaj, I’ve sent you an email. Your entries are safe. Regards.
Thanks Vishal 🙂
Vishal, Is it right that the person with maximum referrals ( with max. points) will be the winner of this contest? Can you please elaborate.
Hi Vishal,
I sending my lucky link to friends… but also waiting for the list of books that Vishal is going to publish after announcement of contest winner!!….
I will buy all the books one by one 😀
atleast give the name of the books so even if we can
buy it elsewere
Mr. Rao, please wait till 17th for that. 🙂
Hi Vishal
I just entered the book ok winning competition by registering myself . Now some food for thought for everyone trying to max out registering other folks . Even though it’s true that you’ll get more entries when u register other people via ur efforts the overall probability of your winning the prize will also go down in that proportion as there will be more people in the fry vying for the coveted prize. Unless the math is on how exactly does the referral system works in increasing the chances of winning of the person making the referral you might be infact damaging your chances as well as that of the people already in the pool by making more referrals . Having said that I will myself try to maximise referrals as this is really abt. Sharing value and having fun than about winning or losing :-)))
I just wanted to elucidate a second level thinking by talking abt this not that I want to damage vishal’s excellent marketing strategy for his even more excellent and superb and one of the only kind value investing course available anywhere in the world at a base bargain price.
Good work Vishal , keep it up and folks please let me know your thoughts on this post.
Dear Deepak,
Thanks for your kind words of appreciation for Mastermind! 🙂
As for your thoughts on the Giveaway, yeah that’s the way it works. However, the only way to win is by getting new people to register because you get 5 additional points for every person who registers through your lucky URL.
And the best way to increase your chances of wining is to refer other people and then ask them not to refer other people. 🙂
So it’s not a lucky draw kind of situation . One who makes the maximum successful referrals gets maximim points and wins . Is it ?
Yes, that’s right Deepak.
I was just wondering is there a way to make it more incentive friendly for both of us . I mean me referring more people but asking them not to refer any more works good for me but not so good for u :-)) may be next time u can think of structuring it in a way such that the person whoes “team” does the best job wins and that way all the incentives are lined up in right way for both the parties – u and ur potential fellow students….like Charlie munger always says getting the incentives right is of paramount importance in getting the right results…
Thanks vishal
I’m fine till it works good for you. 🙂
On a different note – I will probably be attending ur upcoming workshop in Pune . Can u pls cover how to read a banks or financial company’s – reliance capital , repco , insurance companies etc balancesheet and p and l statements etc in ur workshop . That is something I have always struggled with and none of the books that I have read does a good job in explaining on how exactly does financial statements relate to the underlying business when it comes to finance companies. I just cannot get a handle around it because the business model of these companies is not very intuitive ( for me anyways bcs of a lot of leverage they use may be ) .just a request if u can accomodate please . Thanks
Hi Vishal,
I have just participate in “Safal Niveshak’s Book Giveaway 2015 – Win 15 Free Books!”.
You have many follower, so chance of winning book is less(Like speculation ,I am value investor. 🙂 .
Be true I did it for Safal Niveshak(S.N), because I want S.N and your thought’s to every investor.
I read almost every post of yours and every time there is something to learn and gain(Market and Life).
What I think investing is really simple in long term, but people made it complex.
Finally what I love most – “THE INVESTOR’S MANIFESTO” – I am an Investor, I am not an Speculator.
I keep it with me and also sending it to all my friends.
Take care..