“Within infinite myths lies the eternal truth, who sees it all? Varuna has but a thousand eyes, Indra but a hundred, you and I, but two.” ~ Devdutt Pattanaik
“Accepting that you don’t know — and can’t know — what the future holds should be liberating, not frustrating.” ~ Jason Zweig
I was recently reading an old post by Jason Zweig titled I Don’t Know, and I Don’t Care.
Jason wrote about –
- How he graduated from not believing in indexing and instead picking sector funds and small cap funds,
- And then realizing that he was not good at fund-picking and that beating the market was amazingly hard,
- And then starting to invest in index funds that he said liberated him from the feeling that he needed to forecast what the market was about to do,
- And that gave him more time and mental energy for the important things in life.
If I were to chart out my own life as an investor, I am still at the first stage as described by Jason above. In fact, about six years back, I wrote about my reasons for not investing in index funds as I believed well-managed, low-cost, actively managed funds were a better bet for investors.