I met a guy yesterday who spent the past ten years of his life – and he’s just 32 years of age – destroying his body with alcohol, excessive food, and a sedentary lifestyle.
“I have resolved to be fit, lean and healthy in the next six months,” he told me with great confidence.
Well, not surprisingly, he got irritated when I told him that it might take a little longer than six months to achieve what he wanted.
His reaction wasn’t much different from a cousin of mine, who recently told me how she wanted to become a life coach and was ready to do whatever it took to get there in one year.
When I asked her, “What if it takes you ten years to get there, instead of one?” she had no answer.
Clearly, she hadn’t considered the possibility that years of learning, experience and skill development could be one of the necessary success ingredients in becoming a good life guru. But she wanted the results without all this work…or by investing the necessary time.