First things first. I had a wonderful workshop in Pune last Sunday. And here are the amazing tribe members who attended it…

My upcoming Workshops would be in Chennai, Delhi, and Mumbai, and you will get an update on the same soon.
Anyways, let me now focus on today’s topic. Ever since I shared my stock analysis excel a couple of years back, I have received innumerable questions from people who’ve found it difficult to handle the excel. 🙂
If you have been facing a similar problem, don’t worry, because I’m working on a few simple online calculators – like the one on DCF or discounted cash flow method below – that can help you analyze the financials of businesses and also value them.
Now, before you praise me for my tech skills which I don’t have, let me share that this calculator has been developed by my good friend and tribe member Anshul Khare, who is also working with me on other such calculators. Thanks Anshul!
Before you work on the calculator below, read this post I did on how to value stocks using DCF to understand the basics of sensible DCF usage, and how to avoid its misuse.
And after you work on the calculator below and arrive at DCF values for your chosen stocks, remember that your results will be proven wrong in the future (all valuations are wrong, you see!). 🙂
A tool like calculator or excel must only be used for approximate estimation, and never to seek perfection. What matters more is whether the business is simple to understand and whether you understand it or not.
So, please focus on decisions, and not on outcomes of these tools.
Now, try out this DCF Calculator (please use only absolute values, i.e., without decimals and percentage signs). Hover on the “Help” links to understand what a specific term/field means.
If you can’t see the calculator below, click here.
I’ll soon be sharing a few other calculators to perform financial analysis and stock valuations. So your questions and feedback on this DCF calculator and other relevant suggestions will be very helpful.
You can share the same in the Comments section below.
Hi Vishal,
This was much needed.
Thanks for creating it.
Thanks Sham!
Thank you vishal
Is there a way to download the calculator, or will we have to always come to this article to use it???
Appreciate the effort as always
Thanks Akshay! No downloadable version as of now. But I will soon create a single page for this and all future calculators. Regards.
Hi Vishal,
You are doing commendable work in the field of investor education. Please keep it up.
Have always learnt something on every visit to your site.
Great work! Thanks Vishal for such an effort.
I observed that the above DCF calculator does not work for decimal numbers. i.e., it would work if all the values are whole numbers (1,2,3,4, etc) but not when any of the value is fraction (2.21, -4.65, etc).
Hey Abhijit,
As Munger says, “Its better to be approximately right than precisely wrong” 🙂
Still, if you do want to use fractional values, you can use absolute values in all the rupee fields (instead of cr). So if you want to enter 4.57 cr. as Initial FCF, 10.5 cr as shares outstanding and, 7.62 cr. as net debt; you can instead enter 45700000 as initial FCF, 105000000 as shares outstanding and 76200000 as net debt.
So all the Rs. values have to be entered in the same denomination (Cr./Lacs/million). The final result of DCF value per share will always be in rupees.
Thanks Vishal! This is of great value!! Might I suggest that you put all your resources such as the stock analysis excel and these calculators on a separate tab right at the top for ease of access.
Sir, what about Hyderabad….
I want to learn from you , but both the workshop and one year online course admissions are closed. When can I expect a new date of either workshop or online one year course. Pls sir do it quickly , i want to learn from you as fast as it can get .
Thanking you in advance for the good job you are doing for the general people like us.
Anirban Ghosh.
How to use it for negative fcf
Sir  I read this book ” Warren Buffett Accounting Book”
 In that i learned about DCF and Intrinsic Value of the Stock. I tried it on many stocks but the intrinsic value is different when I am comparing it to other calculators. How can I know that I am doing the right thing? or not. It is very difficult for me to judge my result. How can I be confident about my result