2 years. 8 cities. 20 sessions. 500+ tribesmen.
Well, that’s the short story of Safal Niveshak’s Art of Investing Workshop, which I started in April 2012 with the hope that it will find at least a few takers.
However, the response I have received in these two years has been amazing, and beyond my expectations. Here’s some proof…

I have been stumped by this tribe’s willingness to learn, whichever of the eight cities I have been to.
Now, I wish to take the Workshop to more Indian cities in the future.
Of course, there’s a lot that I have written on the website over the past 2.5 years and a lot that I will write in the future. But as I’ve realized through my past Workshops, there’s a different charm of a face to face interaction – an opportunity for you to get responses to your nagging investment problems, and an opportunity for me to know what those problems actually are.
Thus, I want you to help me assess which cities do I take my Investing Workshop to in 2014.
Just fill this small form to let me know your choice of city for the Workshop. Also let me know if you are interested in a two day Workshop – one day dedicated to Value Investing, and the second dedicated to Financial Planning.
If you cannot see the form above, please click here.
I guess 2013 Hyderabad workshop photo is missing?
I have added it Kumar! 🙂
Dear Vishal and tribesmen,
In the years to come when future of numerous people will be shaped, someone’s name might be ranked as higher as Charlie Munger or Warren Buffet for the WQ – Wisdom Quotient 🙂
Let people guess the name rigtht and enjoy the journey !!
With warm wishes