Okay, people change all the time.
School back-benchers turn around, finish college with top scores, get jobs or start businesses and lead mature, responsible lives.
Introverts move out of their shyness and make friends.
Stammerers get over their difficulties and become great speakers.
Alcoholics stop drinking and become mature.
Criminals convert to religion and leave the life of crime behind.
Lazy and selfish people become altruistic and devote their lives to the service of others.
Sinners become saints.
Traders who cannot see beyond an hour become investors (rare, but still) who see beyond years.
Then, people change their minds – not just their opinions, but minds.
Change, however, is difficult…and tiring. It makes us vulnerable, fearful, and uncomfortable, and sometimes we fail again and again in the process.
And so most people don’t change…unless they really want to, and not because
someone else wants them to.
A course cannot make you a value investor.
A discourse cannot make you a thinker.
A book cannot make you wise.
And if you think you can change someone or someone can change you, think twice.
However, know that we humans have the special ability to change ourselves willingly. We can change our perspective, our behaviour, our capabilities, and our complete lives. But only when we want to.
So, the hard part isn’t the change.
It’s the want. It’s the desire to change.
As the Upanishads suggest –
You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed, is so is your destiny.
Remember this when you draw out your resolutions for 2020.
Hi Vishal,
Good article.👍👍👍. You may want to watch this link on why we can not change people. This is really explained very easy way.
Thx and regards,
Absolutely correct.
True…The most important thing for any change is, ” How badly you what?”
how badly you want it?yes,Amandeep sir,you got it perfectly .That is why i read comment section for lasting input.keep commenting
Yes, that’s right.
many people don’t change but not because they can’t but because they don’t.
So, in general for what I saw, vast majority change because they are forced.
And then is the most painful.
And every thing resumes to: attitude.
So, I change myself first to be able to make someone to change or at least to think to change.
Thank you.
Good words.
Thank you for this. Wishing you a prosperous and a Happy New Year 🙂
Very good article. Thank you so much. Best wishes and regards 😊
Another great and something to ponder in our life….yes change is not possible unless one deeply wants to change themselves…..its difficult but yet achievable…thnx Vishal for sharing this
Every change is a forced change.
If you suddenly want to change, you have CHANGED your thinking in the process, which can be counted as a change. And this first change, which is the change in your mindset, doesn’t happen willingly. It comes from the situation, environment around you.
After reading the above article, some people might want to change themselves. While at the first place, it may seem that you are willing to change willingly, but we fail to realise that this article has an influence in our thought process.
nice article and thanks for sharing
Wonderful article.