Birthdays aren’t a big deal when you grow up. And if you are like me, with a fading memory, you sometimes forget that you are growing up fast.
Like it happened yesterday. It took a reminder from someone to, well, remind me that it was Safal Niveshak’s birthday. π
So, this initiative that I started in 2011 with just one reader – yours truly – has completed six years. The tribe is now 32,422 members strong, with one-third of these coming in the last twelve months.
A lot has happened in these quick six years, but as with my six-year-old son, Safal Niveshak is just getting started.
Most of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for βraisingβ this initiative to this point β it truly could not have happened without you, dear tribe member.
I know Iβve said it before, but it bears repeating β Thank you so much for reading, for commenting, for your interest and support, for keeping me honest, for helping this entire movement of creating smarter and independent stock market investors become greater and spread wider.
You are magnificent, and I am supremely grateful for your time and attention.
Just in case Safal Niveshak has touched your life, I would be happy and honoured to read your thoughts in the Comments section of this post.
Thanks again for being there!
Want to Gift Me Something?
I do feel very fortunate on many levels and Iβve been wanting to use this little milestone to do something special. So Iβve decided to give Safal Niveshak’s birthday to a cause that’s close to my heart – education and upliftment of children from the Nat and Kanjar tribe in rural Rajasthan (India).
I informally support this organization called the Nirvanavan Foundation, which is run by a very kind gentleman named Nirvana Boddhisatva.

Nirvana ji runs a few small village schools in Rajasthan’s Alwar district that teach 300+ children and also provide basic medical facilities to their family members. His foundation is looking to fund the purchase of various utilities for children, including food, clothes, and stationery.
So, here’s my birthday deal. If you subscribe to my premium newsletter on Value Investing – Value Investing Almanack – today, Safal Niveshak will donate 100% of the net proceeds of the same to the Nirvanavan Foundation.
Education and healthcare of the poor is a massive problem with many complexities that make my head spin, but my hope is that this birthday, Safal Niveshak and its tribe members can do something small to make a difference.
So, if you wish to benefit from the best ideas on value investing, human behaviour, and business analysis and also help a few lives, click here to subscribe to the Almanack.
And to repeat, just in case Safal Niveshak has touched your life, I would be happy to read your thoughts in the Comments section of this post. That would be a wonderful gift for me too. π
Thank you!
You introduced me to practical value investing in your Mumbai workshop (held at Dadar many years ago).
I am thankful to you for the wonderful investor credo too – makes me not lose my mind in this random markets!
Many thanx
Your blog has a deep impact in my life. It’s much more than investing. Thanks for your effort. Look forward for more.
PS. Yours is one the top three blogs I follow regularly (along with farnamstreet and subramoney)
Greetings Vishal,
Congratulations on SN’s birthday. Have learnt a lot from your website, Mastermind course, your newsletters and posts. Do keep up the good work.
Best wishes !!!
You are an amazing human being . Love reading your articles . You have definitely created a huge impact in my life and I look forward eagerly to read your posts every week . Congrats and God bless you always π
Congratulations and thanks for starting this initiative. Very thoughtful and inspiring ideas r discussed here.
Many Many Congrats Sir on completing 6 years and for sharing such great wisdom about investing and life
Congratulations to the SN team. Hope to see the 60th birthday too. All the best
SN you are amazing. The work you are doing is great. SN has made a huge impact in my life. You have helped me in various stock selection process and also with real life experience’s of yours.
Thank You,
Vishal Sir (SN(
Vishal, you and Anshul (right) are oases in this desert of Investment advisors
Please keep up the great work, and dont get disheartened – it takes time to adjust to the desert-light / glare
Have strongly recommended subscriptions to my kids
Best to all
Dear Vishal,
Congrats on completing six year of Safal Niveshak. I have been highly influenced with your honest and sincere posts. Keep it up.
All the best wishes to Safal Niveshak 6th Anniversary.
I have adopted some of your Investment ideas and benefitted from it. Hearty thanks to you.
I truly believe that Safal Niveshak is a unique initiative by Vishal and I am highly impressed by the ideas collected and given in digestible form through Safal Niveshak posts to all the investors.
It is very useful to me personally and enriched myself by these posts which presented several valuable concepts and investment ideas from highly successful investors around the world. You are seeding many millionaires by your consistent efforts. Please keep up your great work. Thanks.
Dear Mr. Vishal
Let me congratulate you for completing journey of 6 years of Safal Niveshak… This blog is wonderful place for guys who have started investing recently. This blog will definitely help for laying Foundation n following road map to attain maturity in investing career… I am very impressed with your dedication persistence n most importantly your passion… Keep going..
Through Safal Niveshak blog, I have discovered new things in investing and it has helped me in looking at familiar concepts in different lights thereby increasing my depth of knowledge. I am thankful to Vishal for maintaining this blog so well and taking us along with his journey in the field of investment.
“It’s a Snowball – benefiting all !”
It will definitely grow geometrically.
Congrats and best wishes.
Congrats Vishal and the team!!
Great is not easy to stay motivated. Amazed at the discipline that you have.
Now Value Investing course at Flame..Wow!! π
Keep glowing and showing the path, I’m so proud of you!!
Congratulations Vishal.
Safal-Niveshak is the first website that i discovered while searching on ways to invest.
I not only learnt about investing but many other things like which helps people improve on a personal front.
Dear Vishal,
Excellent blog with great ideas on investing front as well on personal level.
I have subscibed for both Master mind course and Value investing Almanack.
I wish you the very best in the near future and keep up the good work.
Thank you.
Congratulations Vishal !!
Keep moving, growing, encouraging ppl like you did from last 6yrs. Surely I can say that your precious endeavours has ignited many of our minds. Thank you soo much dear. Keep it up!
My Best Wishes !
Thank you.
a lovely milestone indeed. best wishes for the future too.
Great work Vishal and Anshul. Safal Niveshak is currently the no 1 on the list of things I read online related to investing. Your latticework posts are fascinating.