Yes, it’s time to put on the big boy pants…Safal Niveshak completes three years today. 🙂
A lot has happened in these quick three years, but as with any three-year-old, I’m just getting started.
Most of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for “raising” this initiative to this point — it truly could not have happened without you, dear tribesman.
I know I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating – Thank you so much for reading, for commenting, for your interest and support, for keeping me honest, for helping this entire movement of creating smarter and independent stock market investors become greater and spread wider.
You are magnificent, and I am supremely grateful for your time and attention.
I do feel very fortunate on many levels and I’ve been wanting to use this little milestone to do something special. So I’ve decided to give Safal Niveshak’s birthday to charity: water, a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing countries.

Help Me Celebrate Safal Niveshak’s 4th Birthday
If you go to the special page I’ve created on charity: water and buy a well for a village that doesn’t have one, you can supply clean water to two people for twenty years. If just a few hundred of the readers of Safal Niveshak do it, we could alter the lives of a few thousand people for a generation.
Our world is facing a crisis around the issue of water — something we all need, and which most of us take for granted.
Yet for around a billion people, water is something that they’re constantly thinking about — in fact, their lives revolve around the logistics of getting it for their family.
Millions who are unable to access clean water simply don’t make it to their fifth birthday.
It’s a massive problem with many complexities that make my head spin, but my hope is that this birthday, Safal Niveshak and its tribesmen can do something small to make a difference.
Help me reach the goal to raise US$ 1,500 (original target was US$ 1,200, which I raised considering that it was met in quick time…and so more people will benefit now) for Safal Niveshak’s 4th Birthday campaign I am running on charity: water. I have pitched in with a US$ 200 starting contribution and will fund the shortfall, if any.
I’m not asking you to do it as a favour to me (that would be silly) but as a favour to you. Because it feels good to see a fellow being survive to see the beauty of life for the next many years.
So, if Safal Niveshak has touched your life, I would be happy and honoured if you can help the guys at charity: water provide clean-drinking water to a few of those who do not have access to this precious and necessary resource of Mother Nature.
I would also be happy and honoured to hear your thoughts – in the Comments section below – on your journey with Safal Niveshak so far.
Thanks again for being there!
Congratulations Vishal!!
Wishing you and SN many more years of bullishness… 🙂 🙂
Thanks Dev!
Congrats and good luck on all your initiatives!
Thanks Madhu!
happy birthday and best wishes for the future years
Thanks Sudhir!
Congratulations Vishal! Amazing achievement and I am sure it will celebrate many more birthdays!
Thanks Tejas! Look forward to your presence in all the birthdays 🙂
Thanks also for your contribution for charity: water!
What a great way to celebrate. I feel extremely proud to be one of the tribesmen. Congrats Vishal on this milestone. Here’s wishing that Safal Niveshak goes even further from strength to strength.
Thanks Nelson!
Happy Birthday SN
Congrats Vishal for the nice work
Thank you Rahul!
A big Congrats on completing this mile stone.
Best wishes for coming 30 years 🙂