Baseline information suggests that 92% of startups fail before they reach age three. Safal Niveshak, which I started four years back, has crossed this barrier…and I have been extremely lucky to come so far.
So yes, itβs time to put on the big boy pants. π
A lot has happened in these quick four years, but as with my four-year-old son, Iβm just getting started.
Most of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for βraisingβ this initiative to this point β it truly could not have happened without you, dear tribe member.
I know Iβve said it before, but it bears repeating β Thank you so much for reading, for commenting, for your interest and support, for keeping me honest, for helping this entire movement of creating smarter and independent stock market investors become greater and spread wider.
You are magnificent, and I am supremely grateful for your time and attention.
I do feel very fortunate on many levels and Iβve been wanting to use this little milestone to do something special. So Iβve decided to give Safal Niveshak’s birthday to a cause that’s close to my heart – education and upliftment of children from the Nat and Kanjar tribe in rural Rajasthan (India).
I informally support this organization called the Nirvanavan Foundation, which is run by a very kind gentleman named Nirvana Boddhisatva.

Nirvana ji runs a few small village schools in Rajasthan’s Alwar district that teach 300+ children and also provide basic medical facilities to their family members. His foundation is looking to fund the purchase of various utilities for children, including food, stationery, and a minibus to ferry kids from the villages to nearby schools.
So, here’s my birthday deal. If you subscribe to my premium newsletter on Value Investing – Value Investing Almanack – today, Safal Niveshak will donate 100% of the net proceeds of the same to the Nirvanavan Foundation.
Education and healthcare of the poor is a massive problem with many complexities that make my head spin, but my hope is that this birthday, Safal Niveshak and its tribe members can do something small to make a difference.
So, if you wish to benefit from the best ideas on value investing, human behaviour, and business analysis and also help a few lives, click here to subscribe to the Almanack.
I would also be happy and honoured to hear your thoughts on your journey with Safal Niveshak so far.
Thanks again for being there!
Happy birthday to Safalniveshak. I am more happy that I share my birthday with this beautiful thing :))) …. One advice/request from my part, can you choose great articles from this websites and make it a book and make it available on Amazon ? I will be the first happy customer
Thanks Shodhan…and wish you a very happy birthday too! π
Thanks also for your nice advice…will look into it. Regards.
Hi Vishal, Congratulations and wish a long successful journey for you and Safal Niveshak. Venkatesh.
Thanks Venkatesh!
Dear Vishal,
My heartiest congratulations to you on the 4 year anniversary of Safal Niveshak. Your regular mailers, the “Almanack” and website are a real treat for anybody who is learning oriented in such a complex endeavor such as investing.
I consider myself lucky (not skilled π …) to have come across Safal Niveshak. The content is so rich that it is relevant to beginners as well as seasoned investors, and reading the same again and again works as an excellent reinforcement.
God bless and all the best for the future. Keep up the great work and contribution to educating investors.
Warm Regards,
Mehul Pathak
Thanks for your kind words and constant support, Mehul! π
Congrajulations, best wishes sir,Vishal on your company journey. Inspiring the others.
Thanks Niranjan!
Crossing the 4 year mark is a big achievement in deed. Congratulation on crossing this mile stone.
I wish a great success to all your future initiatives as well.
Thanks Harshad!
Dear Vishal and Safalniveshak Team,
Congratulations and best wishes for the future. Keep educating and inspiring others.
Thank you, Prashant!
Dear Vishal,
Heartly congratulations to you…… for this fantastic journey so far.
it is really a achievement to achieve this milestone.
Beat of luck for your future
Thanks Manish!
Hi Vishal,
Congrats on completing 4 years in your venture. Will there be any further discounts on VIA/courses on this 4-year anniversary? π π
Thanks Dhruv!
Well, maybe the discounts may come sometime later. π
Congratulations Vishal and Safalniveshak on completing 4 yrs. I have benefited heavily from lot of your articles and also I was part of first batch of Mastermind course.
Was thinking many times whether to subscribe or not for the almanack series as I still have a huge backlog of items to read and have not completed the mastermind course fully. I trust you and your choice of charity organisation, and this generous offer of 100% contribution towards charity tilted the scale, as a value investor I have learnt to recognise a good deal and here along with helping children, I am getting value almanack free and I could not resist and subscribed for a 1 year option via bank transfer.
I really appreciate the work you are doing towards financial education or charity, please keep up the good work.
Thank you so much Satish! I received your payment. Thanks!
Hi Vishal Sir ,
Its has always been of great value to read your blog and study the “Mastermind course”.I congratulate you and every tribe member for making this a grand success its exciting to see the Value Investing community mushrooming in India under your tutelage.Sir ,your blog has been mentioned in the top global value investing forums and as a student it feels great to see and know we are on a right track and guidance.
Hyderabad awaits your workshop !!
Thanks for your kind words, Manish! Regards.
Hi Vishal,
Thanks very much for your efforts at teaching value investing and providing the many resources on your website – apart from few known investors (Buffett, Munger and likes) I actually did not know that India had wonderful teachers like Prof Bakshi and the likes. Over past 4 years your website and the added multiplier advantage has helped increase my knowledge tremendously. Being an NRI investor – it takes me great discipline to stick to my weekend routine of reading one book a week and build knowledge. Knowing excellent fellow investors like you is great motivation.
It is a small thing to ask for subscribing to Value Almanack – I shall do so immediately and be a ‘side car helper’ to you in your quest on helping education in your small way. Between – this is also an excellent marketing lesson for me. Thanks again Vishal and I wish you (and your excellent partner Anshul) a long journey (as I know you will anyway do well given time) ahead!
Humble admirer, Harsha
Thank you so much Harsha! I wish you all the best in your own journey and look forward to meet you some day.
BTW, you write a nice blog. π
Congratulation to Safal & Vishal ji , i really appreciate your work n integrity to educate small investor plz keep it up God bless you always…..
Thanks for your kind words, Gaurang!
Hi Vishal,
Many hearty congratulations for completing 4 years. I keep reading your site every day, thanks for your thought provoking articles and the thrust on value investing. I have few comments
a. Please dont mix business and charity. You should sell your product based on the soundness of what you offer. Dont compel people to subscribe for the cause of charity. Though its for a good cause, I feel that it should be done out of one’s contribution without asking for anything in return. Needless to say, your product will sell based on the value add that you provide anyways.
thanks much and have a great year ahead.
Thanks Raja!
I’m sure people who subscribed to my newsletter did it because they wanted to read it, and not just because they wanted to give for the attached cause. In no way did I compel people.
Congarts Vishal on completing 4 years I came across this site couple of weeks back. Great content. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Karthik!
Happy Birthday Safal Niveshak! I’m a great fan of your contents and follow you regularly – you provided me great contents so far and also introduced me to the great masters of wit and wisdom.
Thanks again! I’m still pending to clear your many dues and favors – I hope will do it soon π
Thanks for your kind words, Gurpreet!
Hi Vishal,
Best wishes on completing four years of Safal Niveshak. I have gained a lot from Safal Niveshak and the various books recommended on your website and also from links to Professor Sanjay Bakshi’s website and other resources. Professor Bakshi’s website has in turn pointed to other external sources and so on and so forth. The education and learning the past couple of years has been valuable in getting an insight into value investing. Not only education and learning I have also benefited financially by making the right investments.
Best wishes for the future.
Maheswar Reddy
Great to know that Maheswar. Thanks for your support!
Congratulations Vishal !!
Wish you all the success in the years to come. Thanks for all the quality content, both free and premium, on your website.
Thanks Manoj!
Happy bday to safal niveshak and congrats to vishal sir..
On this special day, I wish you lots of happiness and prosperity
all round the year. I hope that all your dreams and aspirations
are fulfilled in the years to come.
Keep up your work …
I admire your work and of anshul also..
Especially the gift of knowledge you gave on your birthday to us..
I would like to make one request..
Would you like to share about how did you thought about the idea of safal niveshak?
What was your inspiration?
How did you make a start?
What hurdles you have to cross?
When did people really noticed your efforts and how?
How does it feel now?
I am sorry if you have already given the answers to these questions on the blog and I have missed but if you have not then please.. You can also make a post on this subject..
Again best wishes for your and safal niveshaks future..
Thanks for your kind words, Sumit!
Well, here’s an article that may answer some of your questions. π
Hi Vishal,
Firstly congrats on completing your 4 years.
I just have one question: You have around 300+ smart investors who have subscribed to VIA and have paid for it. You could have donated that money to charity instead of giving the VIA subscription for free now. Both are exactly the same right. Aren’t you showing ‘mental accounting bias’ – you are treating the money you have made out of VIA differently from the money that you are going to make out of VIA. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks Arihant!
Well, I also give around 20% part of that money for such causes every month. This was just a way to tie SN’s birthday to a specific cause. So no biases here…at least I couldn’t find one. π
And I have not given the VIA subscription for free anyways. People have paid the full price for it…only that I diverted that price from SN to something else. Regards.
The price tag you put for VIA was too high for me(may be I am biased) initially when you launched it, but the deal offered by you on the 4th birthday of Safal Niveshak made me think that it is too cheap since I am getting that subscription for almost nothing because I am spending the money for some other cause(Helping the children for their education and upliftment). Anyway thanks very much vishal and waiting for the credentials too.