If you have ever wanted to attend a value investing conference but have never been invited to one (like me)…
If you have ever wanted to network with fellow small investors but never knew where to look…
If you are open to learn from others’ investing gains and pains…
If you are open to take a mini-holiday of different kind…
Here’s announcing “The 2013 Safal Niveshak Value Investing Unconference” – a 2-day meetup of Safal Niveshak tribesmen.
The idea is to get together, discuss and debate unique and profitable investment ideas and get to know other members of this tribe better.
And why I call it an “Unconference”? It’s because the agenda and structure of the event will be created by tribesmen who will attend it, plus it will not be about an expert-to-peer learning but peer-to-peer learning and collaboration.

Where and when?
My original idea was one Unconference for tribesmen across India. But given the vastness of this country, the idea is now to organize two events, and at the following places…
For tribesmen in West and South India
- Dates: 28 & 29 Sep. 2013 (Sat & Sun)
- Tentative Place: Goa
For tribesmen in North and East India
- Dates: 19 & 20 Oct. 2013 (Sat & Sun)
- Tentative Place: Agra / Rishikesh
Who must attend?
You must participate if…
- You are already a “long-term” investor in the stock market.
- You are planning to get into stock investing (not speculation) in a serious way.
- You want to not just learn, but also contribute with what you have already learnt.
But if you want to attend the Safal Niveshak Unconference with a view to sell your wares (advice, broking, PMS etc.), please avoid attending, for you will risk being looked down upon. 🙂
Also, if you already are an “intelligent” investor expecting to meet a roomful of “intelligent” investors, fanatical about investing and discussing complex ideas, you should avoid attending, for you will be disappointed by the low “investing IQ” of participants (like me).
Seeking no experts, only un-experts…
The Safal Niveshak Value Investing Unconference will be a facilitated event where the tribesmen will create the agenda and lead discussions around a few themes.
I am seeking volunteers to present / contribute on specific topics like…
- Financial shenanigans
- Identifying a company with “sustainable” competitive moat
- Making behavioural finance work in investing
- Appraising management’s capital allocation decisions
- Special situation investing
Apart from these, we will be discussing a lot of personal experiences in picking up great stocks and, of course, bad stocks.
The exact modalities of the Unconference will be worked out as we move forward.
Overall, the idea of The Safal Niveshak Value Investing Unconference is not just to leave you with actionable ideas, but also insights into how other smart small investors think.
You will benefit from this invaluable knowledge for years to come.
Approximate Costs
If you pass the above-mentioned criteria of “who should attend the Unconference”, here are the details of the approx. costs of attending.
The to-and-fro journey tickets and accommodation have to be arranged by you.
Apart from this, you have to pay Rs 3,000/- as Safal Niveshak Unconference Fee.
If you wish to register for The 2013 Safal Niveshak Value Investing Unconference, please fill up this small form, and then wait to hear from me soon.
To encourage participation from all, the idea is to limit the number of tribesmen to 30 (first-come, first-served), so please register only if you are serious about attending.
[gravityform id=17 name=SafalNiveshak Unconference 2013 title=false description=false]
Source of 1st Image: Mariott
Cool idea. Submitted my form for Agra/Rishikesh. 🙂
good way of going on holiday to goa and rishikesh and earning money
Can we have a separate venue for East ?This will reduce the traveling time for folks from eastern region .
Hello Vishal ji,
your artilce on our tribemen visiting Warren Buffet’s annual meeting and his home was fabulous. Infact we all look forward to visit the same one day in future.
One more thing Vishal ji, recently i have gone thru the last 5 annual report of elder pharma and feel that its quite reasonable but Mr. Market is behaving irrational and its price has fallen down. Whats your call on this.
why are u asking for stock recommendation.this site do not provide it.
Nice Idea… Thanks for bringing such excellent idea…
A Small Suggestion….
It could be a region wise split up…
For South – It could be bangalore
For west/centre – Goa
For North – Agra/Rishikesh…
Just a Suggestion… Thanks…
What do you think of the idea of holding a value investing conference over the web?
a. Have video casts / live meeting / or some sort of conf call with video
b. People can call in and join.
c. Have people from around the country present and open the lines for questions at the end
It will make it easier for all..