I recently delivered a lecture on the importance of saving and investing to a group of 300+ people, mostly college students, at Mindscape 2015 – an annual ideas festival that features talks, film screenings & performances and is held in Navi Mumbai.

Click here to download my presentation slides PDF (13.8 MB file). I will share the video when I receive the same from the organizers.
I have been extremely fortunate to be able to share my thoughts and experience with budding minds.
Please share this presentation or the ideas it contains with the young around you. Even if you can enlighten one mind and get him/her on to the right path of managing his/her money and behaviour sensibly, it would be a great job done.
Let me know your thoughts/feedback on the presentation in the Comments section of this post.
Nice PPT Vishal ….. If you have a video link to it do share ….
Thanks Premal! Will share the video once I receive it from the organizers. Regards.
Nice presentation sir, I was wondering if its practical to compare the returns of various assets over A 20 year or may be be 25 year period. If so, do we have authentic data available?
Thanks Jubin! Well, you may search Google for the resources that provide such long range data. Regards.
D Vishal,very ncie ppt with content relevant to the youngistan.
Thanks Ketan! Regards.
Today is Gita Jayanti , 5000 years back Yogeshwar explained the Gospel truth to Arjuna.
You explained Gospel truth about money .
तमसोमा ज्योतिर् गमय । is what you are doing.
Let this be only the beginning ….
Thanks for your kind words, Rutvik! Regards.
Good deck. Waiting on your video !
Thanks Prasanna! Regards.
Dear Vishal,
Very Nice , Informative , Detailed PPT Presentation.It is indeed Great to learn a lot from you. Do Share Such Presentation.
Thanks Paresh! Glad you liked it. Regards.
You are doing very good work..Thanks for guiding young generation……you have shown the path of alchemy….
Many thanks, Vivek!
Thanks Vishal. I went through your Mindscape 2015 Presentation n really it can’t be made any simpler than that! I like ur examples, even a child would understand…. God Bless You.
Awesome Presentation Vishal
Thanks Santhi. Glad you liked it. Regards.
Great presentation! Im 24, and it helped me a lot to understand the benefits of starting early..
Are you organising any value investing courses in Mumbai anytime soon? Let me know.
Sir,you are really great.I have never seen a presentation better than this on this topic.thanks and all my wishes for your noble mission.